{Paint it Black} Book Trailer

Below you will find the Book Trailer, made with Animoto, for Paint it Black! I hope you all enjoy it!

{Paint it Black} Release Update

Alright, I finished the second draft today! I feel like I should be celebrating Open-mouthed smile I have lined up two beta-readers so far, I wanna test the theory out before committing to any more, as well as committing to anyone I do not know. I found a few checklists that seem useful to provide my beta-readers, so I sent the first email with a checklist and some information about what a beta-reader is, just in case they don’t know what they have gotten themselves into Rolling on the floor laughing

The second draft has a whopping 144 pages and 38664 words. I started working on this project in January, I think, and once I was finished with the first draft, I put it aside for a bit to get started on a new project, and to just let my mind rest from Paint it Black for a bit.

I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to finish this, or get it ready for publication, but here we are nearing the final stretch of the process, and I am both proud and surprised by this.

Well, I am just waiting for a response from the second beta-reader, and then to wait for them to read and review it for me Smile

Hope you are all having a wonderful day!

V.A. Manning

{Paint in Black} Teaser!

I have been a part of the Figment community for over two years now, but only recently started uploading content and have immersed myself into the community fully. I am in groups, and I am doing reviews for fellow writers. My work is also up for review there (if you want to review my work before I publish it). For the upcoming projects I am working on, I have decided to post one chapter of each for review. I do not want to provide the full projects because I don’t want them to be out on the internet for free – call me stubborn and selfish, lol.

Recently, I posted the first chapter of Paint it Black for review, and wanted to share it here with you all. I am viewing it as a bit of a teaser, building up the anticipation for the release of the book coming up – a release date is still not determined, not sure when the second draft will be finished. I am working on it every day, one step at a time, but I am finding it harder and harder to stick with it.

But I digress! Below is a link to the first chapter of Paint it Black!
